Thursday, April 2, 2009

Facebook Users= Bounty Hunters

Facebook is an online social forum used by over 175 million people worldwide. The War Crimes Watch has utilized this website as a means of capturing two wanted War criminals for the Darfur Genocide. These two men, Ahmed Haroun and Janjaweed leader Ali Muhammad Ali Abd al-Rahman, had been in hiding since indicted in 2007, and WCW decided getting their faces out over Facebook was a good way to reach the most people in the fastest amount of time.

Facebook also hosts many groups fighting for the Darfur cause:

There are over 500 similar groups that do anything from raising money to raising awareness to pressuring governments to make a difference in Darfur.

As you can see, this is a powerful forum because it has such a far reach. Social websites like Twitter, MySpace and Facebook are emerging tools for journalists, activist groups and the like to recruit supporters and even gather useful information. No one will be left unaccountable when people a world apart can gather to discuss what is happening in their communities. No longer will inhumanity we tolerated if we can expose it on a global scale and incite massive protests through these online forums.

In a globally connected world, nothing will be swept under the rug.

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