Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Citizens Making Change

The i-Act group's documentary project called Camp Darfur is an interactive event to promote awareness of the ongoing genocide in Darfur.

Anyone can become an active member in the program. One can make a difference and involve local media, schools, government and organizations in his efforts. On the site the give a list of things that we can do to set up a Camp Darfur in our city:

  1. To begin with, you pick a location for meetings.

  2. Create a program of interactive events such as:

    • Comparing the amount of food intake of a Darfur student to a local university or secondary school student,

    • Stimulating an attack in what has been called a "Die-in",

    • Inviting speakers,

    • Scheduling classes to visit the camps virtually at various times,

    • Playing music for the people in the camps,

    • Inviting your community to spend the night like the refugees in Darfur,

    • Playing a documentary or live video of the camp,

    • Inviting organizations in your city to take part

  3. Host local genocide survivors as speakers.

  4. Alert local media and get it involved to bring more coverage to Darfur.

  5. Contact surrounding educational facilities and encourage professors to involve their students by bringing them or organizing assignments.

  6. Involve local legislatures and school governments.

  7. Use online forums to spread the word.

  8. And publicize the event through advertisement campaigns.

Here is the first documentary published by the organization:

Team member Katie-Jay even wrote a piece on people like me and you, citizen journalists, who spread the word on Darfur. We just have to keep up the good work! Maybe there is hope for the world after all.

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